Journal “Family Upbringing”

We create a space for discourse on family, upbringing, and education, and inspire educational solutions for practitioners.

EDUsfera Academic Press

We publish peer-reviewed social sciences and humanities monographs and popularise the most recent research reports and innovative practical solutions.

Services to Science

We offer professional support at every stage of the publication process: from methodological consultations, language corrections, and translations, to graphic design and printing.

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The mission of the EDUsfera Academic Press

EDUsfera Academic Press publishes peer-reviewed scientific monographs on the social sciences and humanities, in particular, dedicated to the triad: Family - Upbringing - Education. The mission of the Academic Press is to create a space for discourse on family, upbringing, and education, as well as to inspire the search for educational solutions for practitioners.

Our journals

Our journals

“Family Upbringing” is a journal dedicated to the problems of the family in historical and contemporary terms. It publishes original articles by Polish and foreign authors, constituting a voice in the humanistic-social discourse on the family, being both research reports and theoretical treatises. The published texts mainly belong to such scientific disciplines as the history of upbringing and pedagogy of the family; however, increasingly often in the pages of “Family Upbringing”, representatives of other sub-disciplines of pedagogy, as well as psychology, sociology, archaeology, philosophy, philology, law, health, and physical culture sciences present their opinions.

People interested in the latest publications on family, upbringing and education are invited to read our new publications. Find out about new releases Read more

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Our monographs

Our monographs

The EDUsfera Scientific Publishing House publishes: peer-reviewed scientific texts, single- and multi-author monographs, collective studies that constitute meta-analyses or original research reports, as well as academic textbooks that have not been published before.

Monograph catalog:

• Nauczyciel kreatorem warunków wszechstronnego rozwoju dziecka. Wybrane obszary profesjonalizmu zawodowego nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego. Studium teoretyczno-praktyczne 1

• Nauczyciel kreatorem warunków wszechstronnego rozwoju ucznia. Wybrane obszary profesjonalizmu zawodowego nauczycieli edukacji wczesnoszkolnej. Studium teoretyczno- praktyczne 2

• Learning Tree. Genealogy in preventing digital exclusion of seniors

• Learning Tree. Genealogia w przeciwdziałaniu cyfrowemu wykluczeniu seniorów

Self-publising and
services to science

Self-publising and services to science

Dear Author, have you written a monograph, article, textbook, or other study and would like the result of your work to be published? Do you need substantive and technical support? We are here to help you. We work together with you for your publishing success.

Our offer includes: methodological consultations, statistical consultations, statistical analysis, database development, scientific translations, proofreading and editorial revision of research papers, editorial services, typesetting and formatting of text, graphic design, submission of research papers, infobrokering and library searches, printing of monographs and textbooks.

Let's talk about your idea. We invite you to get in touch. Want to stay updated? Subscribe to our newsletter. We invite you to contact us Contact Us

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We create a space for discourse on family, upbringing, and education, and inspire educational solutions for practitioners.

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We promote the achievements of Polish theoretical and practical thought in the areas of family, upbringing, and education among Polish theorists and practitioners.

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