The EDUsfera Academic Press has adopted principles of publication ethics by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. The adopted requirements are mandatory for authors, the publisher, the publishing board, editors, and reviewers.
Responsibilities and obligations of the publisher and the Publishing Board:
1. The publisher shall accept original texts, consistent with the profile and scope of the publisher, presenting the results of their research not previously published in any other publication.
2. The publisher shall not disclose information on monographs submitted to the EDUsfera Academic Press to third parties. Persons authorised to have such information are: the author, members of the Publishing Board, the editorial team, designated reviewers, and other persons actively involved in the publishing process.
3. The publisher shall supervise the publishing process, with particular emphasis on the observance of publishing standards and ethics.
4. The publisher does not accept situations described as ghostwriting and guest authorship. In a situation of suspected scientific unreliability of an author, the publisher follows the procedure recommended by COPE (detailed information available: Full set of Polish flowcharts.pdf (
5. The publisher ensures that the content published is of high quality and that the publishing team is properly prepared.
6. The publisher undertakes to select reviewers taking into account their competence and scientific achievements.
7. The publisher is obliged to prevent conflicts of interest that may occur between the author of the monograph and the reviewer.
8. The publisher ensures that reviews will be prepared on a uniform and identical review form for each author.
9. The publisher, in consultation with the editors, may reject a submitted text if the publisher suspects that it has been prepared in a way that undermines research ethics, if the data presented have been falsified or manipulated, or if the publisher suspects that the text is not the author’s own work.
10. The publisher shall include corrections, retractions, explanations, and apologies to authors where necessary. The Chairman of the Publishing Board of EDUsfera Academic Press makes the final decision on the publication of the monograph.
Responsibilities and obligations of Editors:
1. All members of the EDUsfera Academic Publishing Team should perform their duties based on the principle of respect for the intellectual independence of authors.
2. Editors of the EDUsfera Academic Press are obliged to perform their responsibilities by the principles of impartiality and integrity. They shall also undertake to continuously improve their competencies to ensure the high quality of their work for the publisher.
3. The editors will assess the submitted manuscripts from the point of view of content and technique, without taking into account the gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, or political philosophy of the authors. If the preliminary assessment is negative, the secretary of the publishing house will send the text back to the authors, stating the reason and indicating the extent of the necessary corrections.
4. Editors are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the double-review process. Therefore, they may not share materials received for review or correspond with reviewers about the reviewed texts.
Responsibility, Obligations, and Rights of Authors:
1. The author declares that the text submitted to EDUsfera Academic Press is the author’s work and that he/she holds full copyright. In addition, he/she declares that the presented research results are prepared and elaborated in a clear, honest manner and without any signs of falsification or manipulation of data.
2. The authors declare that the submitted text has not been previously published in other publications - either in whole or in substantial part.
3. In the case of texts submitted by several authors, each author is obliged to disclose his/her contribution to the conduct of the study. Practices indicating dishonesty or concealment of the truth may be subject to sanctions.
4. Each author declares that he/she agrees with the requirements and basic rules of the Publisher.
5. Authors take full responsibility for their text and the research results presented in this paper.
6. Authors are required to disclose all sources that may have influenced the final form of the submitted text.
7. The authors are required to provide information on the sources of funding of the text (including grant number) and the contribution of others to the study and the creation of the paper.
8. The authors assign the copyright to the entity EDUsfera Academic Press. The text is then distributed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence ( The authors of the monograph assign the publisher the right to publish the text in Open Access without restriction (
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10. The author is obliged to make corrections in the text and to take into account comments received from reviewers and editors. If an author becomes aware of errors and/or significant inaccuracies in an already published text, they are obliged to inform the publisher and, together with the publisher, make every effort to correct or withdraw the text.
11. Authors have the right to appeal the editor’s decision to the Chairman of the EDUsfera Publishing Board. The copyright conditions are indicated in the Act on Copyright and Related Rights - Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland 1994 No. 24, item 83, as amended.
Responsibilities and obligations of Reviewers:
1. Each text submitted to the EDUsfera Academic Press is reviewed anonymously, in a process known as double-blind peer review, which means that the identities of authors and reviewers are not revealed.
2. It is only permissible to issue an open review if there is no conflict of interest between the author and the reviewer.
3. The reviewer is obliged to declare any conflicts of interest.
4. Reviewers should thoroughly, impartially analyse the reviewed texts. The reviewer’s findings and comments should be impartial, cultured, detailed, readable, and clear to the author.
5. A reviewer should not undertake to review texts that, in his/her opinion, he/she is unable to assess in an honest, professional, and competent manner.
6. Reviewers need to inform the EDUsfera Academic Press if they come across a suspicion of plagiarism and similarity of text fragments to other publications whose authors are not indicated in the text.
7. Reviewers are obliged to perform their responsibilities based on the principle of confidentiality of the review process. Therefore, they may not share the materials received for review with others or conduct correspondence about them.
8. Reviewers analyse the text, paying particular attention to: thematic consistency and methodological consistency of the work, clarity, timeliness of research, cited literature, and correctness of scientific nomenclature.
9. Reviewers should make every effort to ensure that the work carried out for the EDUsfera Academic Press is timely and professional. If a reviewer knows that he/she is unable to complete a review within the contractual deadline, he/she has to inform the publisher.
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